Repairs and Upgrades

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Joined: Thu 07 Oct, 2010 12:39
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  Z3 roadster 3.0i
Location: Johannesburg

Repairs and Upgrades

Post by Southernboy »

Hello all...

Seat belt guide fixers with the "roadster" logo engraved on them.
Please note... these fittings provide a very strong solution to broken seatbelt guides, but also provide insurance for unbroken guides from breakage.

Also, a couple of seat lift mods specifically made to fit the Z3 cars.
Still the only seat lift with all the safest design / fitting aspects to ensure they are 100% safe for the seat stability when fitted.
As you can see from the pics, they have recesses and protrusions which ensure they fit and support the design of the seat rail below the front mounting points
and also lock into the floor to provide solid, safe engagement .

I also have a couple of adapters for anyone wanting to convert to a Z4 steering wheel
And lastly, made to order only… Center console leather upholstered armrests.
Please be aware, the armrest requires you to have an OEM cup holder. The armrest fits to the cup holder which allows the armrest to be at a comfortable height for driving.
It hinges up so you have access to the storage areas under the armrest.

I can't provide some pics because they are too large :(

Please PM me if you are interested in getting any upgrades.
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"Normal is overrated"

Z3 Upgrades and Additions
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