Panels reinforcement

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Panels reinforcement

Post by F.Brossaud »

I plan to remove body panels to change various rubbers and especially the ones around the bolts.
I would like to use this opportunity to reinforce panels before they are cracking or to repair some broken connecting parts.

I found a set at Pottis's Garage for the upport area of rear wings but nothing for the lowers area, other body panels or seat panels.
I found some other here
but there is no activity on facebook since 2013.

Do you have any idea ?
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Re: Panels reinforcement

Post by Stoertie »

Yes... look here

Men of steel driving cars of plastic! :-D

Sorry, for my poor english... schooltime is already a few years ago, but I try to do my very best! :-D

If you like, please visit Z1-Nordlichter / Leather Care /

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Re: Panels reinforcement

Post by ChrisS »

The upper securing lugs have broken off on both my rear wings. At least the panel didn't crack. If anyone has experience of fitting Potti's reinforcements, was it necessary to remove the rear wings or could the new lugs be fitted with the wings in situ..I imagine correct alignment is easier to achieve with the wings in their usual position.
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Re: Panels reinforcement

Post by ChrisS »

The upper securing lugs have broken off on both my rear wings. At least the panel didn't crack. If anyone has experience of fitting Potti's reinforcements, was it necessary to remove the rear wings or could the new lugs be fitted with the wings in situ..I imagine correct alignment is easier to achieve with the wings in their usual position.
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