My beloved Z1 has had to spend 9 months outside whilst constructing a new garage. I'd removed the battery to keep it charged up, so fitted this back in, went to start as usual but no joy. She turns over fine but doesn't fire. I've tested fuel pump and spark, both of which seem to be working fine. It's almost as if the immobiliser part of the alarm isn't turning off...? She has a Cobra Thatcham 1 and I managed to track down and plead with a guy that used to fit them to come and check it and he tested all that he could and was 99.9% sure it's not the immobiliser as the whole system seems to be working fine. He suggested replacing the crankshaft sensor (as apparently this was a common problem on the E30) and would cause similar issues. I did this, was full of hope but unfortunately still no joy. The alarm key fob seems to be working fine, it locks and unlocks and the flashing red light goes off as usual when pressed, giving you 30 seconds or so to start her. Sorry, bit of a long tale but just wondered if anyone has suffered something similar and managed to find the solution?
My options currently seem to be towing her to a garage the alarm guy recommended where a really good mechanic works, hoping he can find the problem or biting the bullet and getting the alarm guy to come back and rip out everything connected with the alarm system.... either of which will be very expensive!