A little background about my car, in case of interest. Apparently mine is the penultimate car (if that's the right description....basically the last but one made!) Although I bought it 2nd hand, the original owner, before any miles were on the clock, gave it to Griffin Motorsport who did various mods to the engine but also changed it over to right-hand drive - which is great for driving in the UK. Sorry to the purists out there!

I'm therefore aware that there will be a few issues e.g. my driving seat doesn't have all the adjustments that the passenger seat does, the windscreen wipers are still as original, etc. Anyhow, this change means my drivers door (which used to be the passenger door,) works as you would expect with the button to open it but I have to close it by reaching in and using the internal handle. The passenger door (which was the drivers door) works on the external button both up and down. I've always presumed this was how it was set up originally. So is this normal or should the external buttons work on both sides?