Hi there. All of a sudden my driver and passanger locks will not trigger the central locking, but only from the trunk.
I don't use the remote, I just unlock/lock it manually from the key. Z3 2.8 1997.
-Driver side: will only open that door but not trigger the central locking. When I put the ignition, then it will unlock everything else
-Passenger side: as above
-Trunk: fully working, activates all 3 for locking and unlocking.
I heared the wire loom in the trunk is an interest area or fuse 35? Will check later but any other ideas, please do. Thank you.
Z3 Central Locking Issue
Re: Z3 Central Locking Issue
Question, do you have an anti-theft system from Alpine? That is connected to the doors, but not the trunk. Could be the reason. I would look for jamb switches at the doors, connected to this anti-theft system.
- Joined: Sun 16 Feb, 2014 22:28
- Posts: 64
Re: Z3 Central Locking Issue
Ah ok. I'll have a look. Cheers and Merry Christmas!