Hi all - literally years since I've posted here.....
Z3, 2.2 built in Feb 2002.
I've seen on INPA for, literally, years an error code indicating the MAF maybe on the way out. This occurs multiple times in the memory, presumably analogous to each car journey.
Last summer a ECL came on the dash and for quickness I plugged in the creator scanner and predictably it brought up the '08 code signal air flow sensor', but also 'E3' - fuel trim bank 1 tolerance exceeded.
Having inspected the hosing/tubes after the MAF position, I saw the main boot had a crack in it. Other tubes/rubber seemed sound.
Point to note here, the realoem schematic for my engine code is NOT the actual arrangement that is on my car - dunno if anyone has come across this? The vacuum tubes and ancillaries are different and, indeed, the new boot specified and supplied by my stealer was incorrect. It would seem my car was in a production run that used air intake connections similar but critically different and is that of a 5-series of the time. I bought an aftermarket one, the seller of which DID specify it for Z3.
Anyway, having replaced the boot (pita job) the same errors are occurring and a ECL has reappeared.
The figures I have from the creator data stream at hot idle were:-
MAF sensor voltage 0.6v
Air mass 11 kg/h - 3 g/s
Adaption mixture additive bank 1 -0.01ms
Adaption mixture additive bank 2 0.00ms
Adaption mixture multiplicative bank 1 13.6%
Adaption mixture multiplicative bank 2 11.6%
I guess the last two figures demonstrate the tendency for over rich running.
The first 4 figures seem sound (?)
Any ideas guys
Are you having a MAF - is he having a MAF?
Are you having a MAF - is he having a MAF?
I say Soanes - park the Z3 would you? There's a good chap.
Re: Are you having a MAF - is he having a MAF?
Why not just buy a MAF, when everything is pointing in this direktion. You check and change everything around the MAF.
I suppose you have already tried to clean the MAF.
I suppose you have already tried to clean the MAF.
Re: Are you having a MAF - is he having a MAF?
Yes, the figures are after checking/replacing hosing and cleaning the MAF, which has never made any difference in my experience and would seem more about marketing electrical solvent cleaner as "magical maf cleaner" a bit of an urban myth.
Having checked data stream figures today, the MAF throughput is the same and the mixture figures are around 0.08ms for additive and 0.00 for multiplicative on both trim banks - is normal ?
Just wanted to query anyone else's knowledge before shelling out for a genuine Bosch etc replacement.
Yes, the figures are after checking/replacing hosing and cleaning the MAF, which has never made any difference in my experience and would seem more about marketing electrical solvent cleaner as "magical maf cleaner" a bit of an urban myth.
Having checked data stream figures today, the MAF throughput is the same and the mixture figures are around 0.08ms for additive and 0.00 for multiplicative on both trim banks - is normal ?
Just wanted to query anyone else's knowledge before shelling out for a genuine Bosch etc replacement.
I say Soanes - park the Z3 would you? There's a good chap.
Re: Are you having a MAF - is he having a MAF?
The maf is still throwing an '08 code signal air flow sensor'
I say Soanes - park the Z3 would you? There's a good chap.